According to our consulted expert this may be the interpretation

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According to our consulted expert this may be the interpretation

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Despite starting from 158,009 keywords on desktop and 248,068 on mobile, the percentage drops to 1.51% on desktop and less than 1% on mobile respectively.

If the queries are made from IPs that do not correspond to Spain, it could be that this fact affects a certain number of searches that, being made from foreign IPs, do not result in the “local pack”.

— Fernando Macià - Human Level

Finally, let's take a look at how featured snippets perform based on the search volume of the keywords they rank for.

Google Featured Snippets - Relationship with search volume in Spain
Thus, we clearly see that out of 531,496 keywords with a “low” volume of between 10 and 100 searches, the return of featured snippets according to the SEMrush study in Spain is 78.37% on desktop.

And out of 751,250 keywords in the same volume range but for mobile, the return is 70.68% of featured snippets.

As you might expect, the number of keywords that achieve a volume of more than 100,000 searches is lower (1,290 on desktop and 9,716 on mobile), which respectively achieve 0.02% and 0.04% of zero positions.

Specific data extracted from the SEMrush study on Google's position zero in Mexico
We now move to Mexican lands to analyze the behavior of users in this country regarding dubai state name list featured snippets.

Google Featured Snippets - Types of questions in Mexico
In the case of Mexico and on desktop, the question “how” is the one that positions the most keywords (2,146) and translates into 36.30% of FS.

In the mobile version, starting from 10,292 keywords, 34.94% of featured snippets are obtained.

On the other hand, the 19 desktop keywords and the 124 mobile keywords that begin with “who” achieve 57.89% and 34.94% respectively.

We now look at the percentages that the two versions capture according to the number of words that the keyword contains.

Google Featured Snippets - Number of words per keyword in Mexico
We see that on desktop 25,986 keywords are composed of 3 words and translate into 10.71% of featured snippets.

On mobile and with the same extension but for a total of 209,405 keywords, the percentage drops to 8.02%.

Another fact: on desktop, the highest percentage of FS (14.31%) is obtained from a total of 4,604 keywords and corresponds to a length of 6 words.

And if we go to mobile, we find that the highest number of featured snippets (10.53%) is obtained from 1,767 keywords that contain 9 words.

Let’s now look at the relationship between FS and other SERP
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