The world will enter a time of terrible tribulation. Billions of people will die due to war, disease, famine, and other terrible plagues. The only way to miss that horrible time is to be ready when the Lord Jesus returns for His people.
Are you ready for Jesus to come? Are you ready to face death? Have you been saved by the grace of God? If you have not, bow your knee to Jesus; repent of your sins; and believe the Gospel. The Lord will save you if you come to Him, John 3:16; 6:47; Rom. 10:9; 13. But, He will condemn you if you do not, John 8:24; 1 John 5:12. If the Lord is drawing you to come to Him, then hear His call and come to Jesus right now. He will not reject you, John 6:37.
Conc: Church, Jesus is coming! But things are likely to get tough for His people before He does. Let us not be deceived by the signs of the times. Let us determine in our hearts that we will obey His Word and singapore phone number list sms for whatsapp live for Him until He comes for us, whether in the Rapture or in the departure we call death. If you would like to speak to the Lord about your walk with Him, please come!
If you have never trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, I challenge you to give up your sins and pride. Come to Jesus right now and believe the Gospel. Jesus is coming and you must be ready, Matt. 24:44.
Jesus is coming, but when He does, He will not be announced. When Jesus comes, He will come as a “thiefin the night,” 1 Thess. 5:2. Sermons like this are the only warning you will get. Get ready, or you will be left behind
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