How does artificial intelligence work?

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How does artificial intelligence work?

Post by hmonower921 »

AI is a broad field of science that encompasses many theories, methods, and technologies, as well as the following main subfields: machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, computer vision, natural language processing (NLP).

Several technologies enable and support AI: graphics processing units (GPU), Internet of Things (IoT), advanced algorithms, application programming interfaces (APIs).

Examples of commercial AI applications
Because the hardware, software, and staff costs of AI can be very high, many vendors are including AI components in their standard offerings, as well as access to AI-as-a-service (AIaaS) platforms. AI-as-a-service allows individuals and companies to experiment with AI for a variety of business purposes and test multiple platforms before making further investments. Popular AI cloud offerings include services from companies like Amazon AI, IBM Watson Assistant, Microsoft Cognitive Services, and Google AI.

While AI tools offer a range of new capabilities for businesses, the use of AI raises ethical questions. This is because the deep learning algorithms that underpin many of the most advanced AI tools are only as intelligent as the data they are fed into the training process. A human selects which data should be used to train an AI program. This influence of human subjectivity is inevitable and must be carefully controlled.

Fears and myths
Some industry experts believe that the concept of AI is too closely tied to popular culture, causing the public to have unrealistic fears about AI and unrealistic expectations about how it will change hungary whatsapp data the workplace and life in general. Scientists and marketers are trying to help people understand that AI will simply improve products and services, not replace the people who use them.

Intelligence means awareness
The most important thing that AI is known for is intelligence, but due to poor communication and misunderstandings, many believe that it results in the development of consciousness. However, this is far from the truth.

But that doesn't mean it's impossible. Many are actually working on finding the biological factors behind human consciousness. It will take a long time and many more attempts to truly understand and use it. For now, even the fastest computer, the K computer, which can calculate 10 quadrillion calculations per second, will never be self-aware or have the conscious mind that humans are capable of. The same is true for artificial intelligence.

AI learns the same way as humans
Many of the common fears about AI stem from its potential to take over human jobs because it can function like a human. That’s simply not true. In fact, 80 percent of executives believe AI improves employee performance and creates jobs. AI is a method of machine learning that is completely different from the way humans learn.

According to Guru Banavar, chief technology officer and IBM team leader behind Watson, machine learning is the process of taking examples of a system and extrapolating information from them:

“We can teach a computer to recognize a car, but we can’t ask that same computer, ‘How many wheels does this car have?’ or ‘What kind of engine does it have?’ Can you ask about something that this car is made of? Neither of those things is possible,” Banavar said. Interesting applications of algorithms include BERT and Google’s RankBrain . These algorithms are great at recognizing intent and understanding natural language.
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