By adding up to five hashtags, you

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By adding up to five hashtags, you

Post by sumona »

Can join conversations related to your brand and reach people who have never heard of your brand before and likely never would have found you otherwise. Aside from simply adding hashtags to your own updates, you can even associate your company page with relevant hashtags. This is all done in your Communities Hashtag panel. In this panel, you can click on a hashtag that you follow, enter its feed, and then comment or react to conversations.

This helps to expose your brand to new and like-minded audiences that have no idea you bahamas telegram database exist. Once people within this community see your interest, they’ll visit your profile and potentially follow you if they see what they like. Follow us on LinkedIn 5. Mention Companies and Influencers Think hard about your industry. Are there any particularly influential people that you can think of? Are there any non-competing companies that you may want to be associated with? If so, you could start mentioning them in your updates.

This will not only allow you to potentially be seen by their networks, but it will increase the chance of them seeing you and then resharing your post to their feed. Just make sure that these people and companies are ones that you respect and would want to be linked to. In addition, you don’t want to do this too much, as it could be seen as spammy.
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