And if you like numbers, I’ve gotten some of them for you too: as of February 2024, Reddit has an estimated 1.2 billion monthly unique visitors. And 49.79% of Reddit’s daily active users are based in the US, so 36.4 million daily active users in the US alone. Not bad, right? Okay, cool, but why are we talking about Reddit? Why should you, as a marketer, keep a closer eye on “the front page of the internet”? Throughout this article, we’ll delve into the factors driving Reddit’s growing influence (especially among Gen Z), including a significant new partnership with Google, and discuss what this means for businesses, marketing professionals, and the broader landscape of digital content discovery.
The Beginning: Google-Reddit Deal First Step: Impact on Reddit’s Visibility and Organic Traffic small business email list Reddit and Content Quality in Google SERPs: What’s the Connection? And Now: How Reddit is Changing the Landscape of Online Search and Brand Discovery (at least to Gen Z) Reddit’s Role in Modern Content Discovery: What People Have to Say About It Envisioning the Ideal Search Experience for Gen Z: What Do They Want? Challenges and Opportunities for Businesses and Marketers The Beginning: Google-Reddit Deal Let’s revisit the significant news from February 2024: Google and Reddit entered into a groundbreaking licensing agreement that captured the attention of the tech community.
According to a Reddit publication, this deal granted on Reddit, reflecting over 18 years of authentic and constantly-updated human-generated conversations and experiences. This partnership was not solely about enhancing the visibility of Reddit threads in search results; it was also strategically aimed at deepening the tech giant’s grasp on human dialogues, essential for advancing AI technologies. Financially, the agreement was a breakthrough, with Reddit reportedly securing $60 million annually.