Your headline is your best shot at making a good enough first impression to earn an actual click. Good headlines are short and to the point while still giving the reader a solid idea of what the page is about. Pay attention to your metadata, as well, as that’s your opportunity to provide any additional context someone might need to make a decision. 3. Always structure your posts In most cases, your readers aren’t going to dutifully read your content from start to finish, especially if they landed on the page in the first place in search of a quick answer.
That said, the easier you can make it for them to scan the page for what they want, the better motion pictures email list your content will perform from an SEO standpoint. Use keyword-rich headlines to structure your content and help search engines determine how well your piece addresses the topic. Implement short sentences and smaller paragraphs to boost accessibility. Options like bulleted lists, pull quotes, and supplementary graphics are also helpful for scanning purposes.
4. especially these days, so adding the right imagery to your content is a great way to add additional appeal. It’s also something people expect to see at this point, meaning your posts might actually feel unfinished to some readers if they lack images. You’ve got lots of options as to how you can use imagery to make your SEO writing sing.