When you do not edit the meta tags in each post

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When you do not edit the meta tags in each post

Post by sumona »

Titles and meta descriptions To start, we will focus on two very important aspects for SEO and page CTR. Here you can create templates for your page titles and meta descriptions. They can be different for each page. For example, how the two will appear for blog posts may differ from how they will appear on a website page. If you already know Yoast, you know that inside each post you can edit the title and the meta tags, so you may wonder why this feature is here.

, WordPress automatically places the template you defined here. For example, you can choose life insurance email list to display the title and the date: %%title%% %%date%% If you want the post category to appear, you can use: %%title%% %%category%% Yoast’s own website shows possible ways to create your template, as there are several variations. You can check it out through this link.

Important: if you leave the meta description area blank, search engines will add a part of your text. We advise you to always create meta descriptions. Meta Robots In this section we see a button where we can select two different options: “index” and “noindex”. In most cases, be sure you leave the “index” option selected. “Noindex” is the same as not letting search engines index a page, that is, it is the same as saying: “Google, I don’t want this page to appear as an answer to visitors’ searches”.
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