50 Famous Restaurant Logos for Your Cravings

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50 Famous Restaurant Logos for Your Cravings

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

50 Famous Restaurant Logos for Your Cravings
Reading Time: 5 minutes

We have heard of big names like McDonald’s, Subway, Dominos, and even Taco Bell. They are some examples of famous restaurants that have worked their way into go-to places for cravings.

Want a cold dessert? Go to Dairy Queen.

Want a whooping burger? Go to Burger King.

Want a healthy meal? Go to Olive Garden.

Admittedly, our taste buds are starting to tingle, just mentioning the latvia telegram of these food establishments. Before we get too carried away, let’s get to know these notable food establishments.

Famous Restaurant Logos
For any mood we have, food is there to the rescue. For when you’re down, you eat ice cream or pizza. And when you feel sick, you eat a hearty tomato soup with garlic bread on the side.

The food industry itself is worth $4 trillion per year. It’s a profitable business since people crave different cuisine every day. Three of the most popular cuisines are Italian, Chinese, and Japanese cuisine.

Our stomach is grumbling just reading those words. Thus, let’s get into the design of famous restaurants worldwide. Take inspiration from them for your new branding or design endeavor.

We based our list on people’s favorite restaurants, around 50 logos. If you notice, most of the restaurants have a hint of red in their designs.

That’s because red is mostly associated with food and hunger according to color psychology. Now, spot your favorite restaurant below:
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