What role does automation play?

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What role does automation play?

Post by phonenumber »

Reform - The plan states that growing and retaining the workforce alone will not be enough. The NHS will need to think about what future roles in healthcare will look like and plan accordingly. Staff will be required to adopt new approaches, with a greater emphasis on upstream care. This entails expanding staff numbers email list uk in primary, community, and mental health services.
Health Education England has been using Apteco software to tackle the first two objectives of the workforce plan. The project was designed to support recruitment, retention, education, and training of the NHS workforce. Apteco software supported HEE to consolidate all of their data for analysis across all sources of information. Based on this data, they then used the Apteco solution to send tailored communications as part of a structured training and retention program. The third objective of reform will rely heavily on automation and using technology to adopt new ways of working.

The answer to the healthcare sector’s challenges lies in delivering new and existing services in innovative and proactive ways. Automation, of varying levels of intelligence and complexity, will undoubtedly play a part in this.

While automation is often hailed as the sole solution, it can inadvertently create additional tasks for healthcare professionals. Rather than replacing individuals, automation tools should complement and enhance the capabilities of healthcare teams. It’s important to ask: does automation streamline mundane tasks, allowing teams to prioritise face-to-face care?


NHS providers believe that there are five main drivers for automation:

Healthcare operations and back office: Leveraging analytics and cross-departmental data intelligence can eliminate manual workflows, enabling care teams to deliver tailored care.
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