On the hh.ru website, more than 3 thousand vacancies were found for the query "community", including SMM specialists. At the same time, employers offer a variety of duties for community managers.
Sometimes the term "community manager" can mean a moderator of a Telegram chat. They answer comments and questions, remove bots, and publish content. Typically, specialists receive up to 50 thousand rubles a month for such duties, depending on the work schedule.
Companies are also looking for chinese overseas australia data package qualified specialists to work in closed business communities and clubs of interest, where they will be responsible for various tasks, including organizing events and monitoring the activity of participants. Such specialists are often called community architects, they are involved both at the start-up stage and for subsequent development.
At the moment, targeted community management is underdeveloped in Russia. Not all organizations realize the importance of this approach and are not ready to invest in the development, training and support of their employees in this area.
This is most often done by companies that provide SaaS services, banks, and large technology firms such as Yandex, which actively develop internal communities of their former and current employees.
Stand-Alone or SaaS
Source: shutterstock.com
Experienced community management professionals are also valued in the youth policy and social work sector. They can hold leadership positions or provide advisory assistance in government agencies, charities and volunteer groups.
As a rule, pioneer and Komsomol organizations, as well as modern youth associations such as the “Movement of the First” and “Orlyata Rossii”, are also communities controlled and supported by the state.
The job of a community manager is a great way to learn different aspects of business and can be a starting point for development in different areas of professional activity, such as marketing, customer service, internal communications, HR brand evolution, event organization and management. This role opens up the potential for further development both within the company and in agencies providing services to large enterprises.
A low starting salary is one of the disadvantages of this profession, but this is often compensated by the opportunity to work remotely and sometimes take on several projects at once.
This position can be a great way to start a career, as it often doesn't require specialized education. There are internship programs that can help you quickly gain experience and begin your career development.
How to become a community manager
The Community Coordinator position is open to candidates with a variety of backgrounds, including marketing, PR, and blog management.
How to become a community manager