What is Meme Marketing?

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What is Meme Marketing?

Post by robiulhasan1 »

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Memes first appeared on social media for comic purposes, but over time they bahrain phone number resource have proven to be much more than just a visual element of distraction and laughter.

Nowadays, the use of memes on social media has become a normal part of our daily lives .

In fact, we see them, we laugh, we enjoy, but we also apply reactions to the posts, we comment and we increase the visibility of a series of brands that we like.

All for the simple fact of being attracted and enchanted by those tender, funny or extremely strange images!

Generally speaking, companies know that memes have a positive impact on their audience and promote a healthy bond. However, what few know is that their use must be based on a solid strategy.

But, in essence, what are memes?

The idea of ​​the “digital meme” emerged recently, however, the expression “meme” was first used in 1976, in the book “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins .
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