2 types of liabilities

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2 types of liabilities

Post by Maksudasm »

The organization's equity capital consists of:

Authorized capital – funds invested by business owners during its registration.

Additional capital – additional investments by owners, in addition to the authorized capital.

Reserve capital, which is finance set aside from profits for specific purposes, such as to cover future losses and other unexpected expenses.

Accumulated profit, i.e. the net profit or student data package loss of the company for the entire period of its existence. This information can only be found in the OPiU report, and not in the ODDS.

Dividends paid to owners or shareholders.

Liabilities in business can be long-term and short-term.

Short-term loans are:

funds borrowed by an organization from a bank or an investor and subject to return within a year;

accounts payable, i.e. debt obligations, for example, unpaid bills for goods or services, advances received, wage arrears to employees.

Long-term loans are funds with a repayment period of more than one year.

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Features of the formation of management balance
How to draw up a management balance sheet? The management and accounting balance sheets are formed according to similar principles. However, it should be borne in mind that there are some features in the formation of the management balance sheet, which are significantly influenced by the following factors:

method of organizing management accounting;

requirements that users place on reporting;

the purposes of drawing up a management balance sheet;

the degree of accuracy required, etc.

As stated earlier, the basis for management accounting is accounting information. There is no need to waste time searching for discrepancies between them. On the contrary, it is necessary to bring them closer together as much as possible, as far as the tasks facing both systems allow. This aspiration will have a positive effect on the labor intensity of the accounting process.

Very often, financial sector specialists consider management accounting to be a creative science that is not subject to regulation. This opinion is partly true, but still, compliance with certain principles is simply necessary.

Features of the formation of management balance

Source: shutterstock.com

The compilation of a management balance sheet does not happen just like that, the document is a consequence of the management accounting system, which has a certain methodology. Thanks to this, confusion in approaches to the formation of such data is eliminated.

A gross error is considered to be a situation in which in one period the organization's specialist in assessing non-operating income, when preparing reports, will take into account the detailed non-operating income and expenses, and in another period will simply use the final financial result for such transactions.

To avoid errors in the report in the management accounting system when forming the balance sheet, it is necessary to initially form the management accounting policy of the enterprise: accounting must be carried out in compliance with this regulation.

This point is especially important if it is necessary to form consolidated management reporting of several companies. When consolidating reporting, it is not necessary to take into account intra-group turnover and mutual obligations of the group companies.
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