The financial technology sector has seen rapid growth, especially over the past decade. Due to technical innovations and demand from both B2B and B2C, this industry shows no signs of slowing down.
Search engine optimization (SEO) should not be overlooked as a powerful and often cost-effective tool for FinTech companies. Whether you are launching a new product or looking to grow, good search rankings can accelerate success.
While SEO involves the same process regardless of the industry you're in, there are unique considerations if you're a financial services or FinTech company. Here, we'll uncover some of the best SEO strategies for FinTech companies.
SEO for fintech companies
Make your website “SEO-Friendly”
Your website can be instrumental in landing new business online. Therefore, make SEO an essential part of your website planning and maintenance. The steps you will want to take to make your website more SEO friendly are as follows:
Add keyword-rich titles, subtitles and meta-descriptions to your web page content.
Maximize page loading speed.
Insert allowed hidden text, such as alt tags in images and videos.
Design pages to be easily readable on mobile devices.
Make sure you have all the appropriate website security certificates.
Keep in mind that FinTechs also come with legal requirements and government regulations to adhere to, and these will need to be at the forefront of your overall digital marketing strategy.
Ideally, your website should adhere to the strict guidelines that Google imposes on certain industries, including those in the financial field. These guidelines take into account the expertise, authority, and trust that is conveyed through the main content of your website.
To do this, always pay close attention to your “About” and “Contact” pages. Also, keep your website up to date, including the copyright date, privacy policy page, and required legal disclosures.
Without this, a manual Google review can throw penalties your way, deeming your site as untrustworthy.
Content from experienced authors
Since FinTechs and financial services websites can have a direct impact on people's financial decision-making, the content should be produced by an expert in the field .
Hiring a general freelance writer to produce standard web copy is fine. However, blog posts or landing pages that deal directly with financial advice should be written by experts in the field.
To ensure transparency and help Google evaluate your authors, use Schema structured data in your content. It can be beneficial to include a link to an extended bio, and Schema has an optional property called “author.url” that can identify such links.
Another strategy to ensure that Google finds the author's credentials off-site is to include hyperlinks in your bio to things like other articles you've written on the topic, professional directories you're listed in, and your social media accounts.
SEO for fintech companies
Keeping content up to date
Google values fresh content. It has long factored this into its algorithm, and constantly analyzes users’ search patterns to detect when they are trying to access current information (and when they are not).
Keeping information up to date on some topics is not important. On the other hand, many financial topics require up-to-date information . When consumers search for “the best mortgage interest rates” or “the average house price in Spain”, they want the data to be as up-to-date as possible.
Keywords that include “price,” “cost,” “rates,” “discount,” “today,” and “now” indicate that the information users are looking for should be as up-to-date as possible. Many of these keywords have purchasing intent, meaning you’d be foolish not to pursue them in your FinTech SEO campaigns.
Even when you write more generic content, such as “best cryptocurrency investment,” you’ll still see a boost in rankings if you keep your content fresh. All this requires is a brief editorial review every six months and a few tweaks.
Most companies approach content marketing from a publishing perspective. This makes sen hungary mobile phone number list se, but it is limiting. Every content strategy should include a plan to systematically update old content .
SEO for fintech companies
Quality link building
Link building is essential to your SEO strategy . To establish your website as a trusted, authoritative, and expert resource, you need to produce the kind of content that attracts high-quality websites to link to you .
This can be anything from a popular financial blogger to a newspaper's financial opinion section. Also, link to trusted resources in your own blog posts to show authority.
These quality links help you establish yourself as a reliable source of information, and in turn, show that you know what you're doing. Quality link building is invaluable in attracting organic traffic and further boosting your SEO.
SEO Strategies for FinTech Companies
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