I'll be honest. I did this Marmogram

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I'll be honest. I did this Marmogram

Post by zihadhosenjm55 »

I'll be honest. I did this Marmogram “in a hurry.”

I'm writing this on Wednesday and it's 8:28 at night. But I'm going to leave it to send it tomorrow morning, Thursday.

As they say, when you read it it will be Marmogram Thursday. Jarmogram. Stupid joke, but I laughed, maybe because I'm an idiot.

If you laughed too, I like you. Obviously, because you're an idiot.

The content is based on a podcast that I also prepared to publish “today” Thursday morning. I’ll leave you the link at the end.

He talks about the importance of resting when we work from home, because since we don't have coworkers to interrupt us (thank God), we forget to stop and rest.

And if you're like me, after several hours in front of the computer your head hurts.

And using my age-old technique of using Artificial Intelligence to automatically create entries from a podcast, the text that I am going to copy here below came out.

It was made by ChatGPT.

I'm going to copy it here for you, because maybe you don't like listening to podcasts, but you still want to know what the hell I talked about.

And I may be many things, but I am not selfish.

Or maybe I am, but I didn't want to waste the effort. And maybe it will help you.


Here it is:

emember when we had to go to and from the office every day? That forced us to take a break and disconnect from work. But now, with the home office, it is harder to do so. That is why my first recommendation is to force yourself to rest. Yes, force yourself! It is important to take small breaks th

nd what better way to relax than with a good cup of coffee? If you have a balcony, go out and have a cup of coffee (the coffee, not the balcony, you idiot) and enjoy the fresh air. Or if you prefer, you can take an active break. Take advantage of those minutes to exercise, stretch or wa
And if you have chores to do at home, now is the perfect time to do them. Wash the dishes, make the bed, sweep. All of these activities involve movement and are a great way to take a break from work. vietnam email address Plus, you'll leave your home spotless!

Don't forget to smile and enjoy the moment. Remember that working from home also has its benefits. You can take advantage of it to spend more time with your family, take your own breaks and organize yourself in your own way. Take advantage of these benefits!


If you liked this advice and want to keep receiving more, don't forget to subscribe to Marmograms and follow me on my social networks (@omargamboa). Remember that I also offer personalized adice in my #LikeAPro program to help you improve your Personal Brand and professional profile! Write to me if you are interested!

I think it turned out reasonably well enough to blog about.

Not so much for something I would write. It lacks style, it seems like a Walt Disney blog, where there are only rainbows and little birds singing while I wash the dishes.

If you read carefully, you might have noticed the parenthesis. I did put that in.

In another Marmogram I will tell you what I think about using Artificial Intelligence to generate content. So if you haven't subscribed, subscribe!

Also, this year I'm going to do something different with the Marmograms. But I'll tell you about it later. I like suspense. And drama.

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HERE I AM ON INSTAGRAM , in case you want to see what nonsense I post there.

Groundhog – @OmarGamboa

Post tags:
# tips
#personal brand
# Personal Marketing
# Podcast
Omar Gamboa
Personal Brand Advisor

Entrepreneur, business advisor and social media consultant.

My goal is to use my experience to help 300 startups and personal brands improve their social media.

I have been working in digital for over 20 years, first as an employee with clients such as Claro, DIRECTV and Falabella. Then I decided to create my own agency and I had clients such as LifeMiles, Barbie, Hot Wheels, Lenovo, Hilton Hotels and many more.

I participated as an entrepreneur, and then as an advisor and mentor, in programs of the Ministry of ICT in Colombia, advising more than 165 ventures to date (I have 135 left. Come on!). Thanks to my Personal Brand, I have been an influencer for brands such as IBM, Epson and Dell, and I have given conferences in Latin America for BBVA, MSN, Universal Channel, Bayer, Roche, IBM among many others.

Do you want a 1-on-1 consultation? Let's chat! Or write me on WhatsApp and we'll have a 15-minute call.
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