Obviously, some people are more predisposed to one “way” than the other. Laura is the typical central person, Giacomo is instead very peripheral. Think about yourself instead. In some cases you will have been more Laura, in others more Giacomo.
The variable that triggers one consequence rather than the other is motivation , or rather the relevance that the topic of a message has for you. If the situation is very relevant, you will probably slide towards the central route.
On the contrary, you will activate the peripheral viber phone number list route in situations where there is less relevance. As I mentioned at the beginning, there are different types of people browsing your website. But not only that: they are also people with different motivations .
With effective persuasive communication , you can combine “central” and “peripheral” messages, optimizing results in all contexts in which your message is displayed. Ready to find out how? Five Techniques to Persuade the Central Route Some potential customers of your website will be rational and systematic people , in a context where their motivation will be very high.
The peripheral pathway of your brain was definitely activated
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