Check your notifications to see what “special occasions” your connections have had lately. If there is an event that deserves a congratulations (birthday, new job, etc.), send a message to your prospects, as it is an opportunity to start a further business conversation.
Of course, you should focus on congratulating your future partner and then make a short invitation that marks the beginning of the sales process.
5. Create scripts to lead people into a sales funnel
You will understand that you must lead your prospects through a sales funnel. For this reason, you need to make sure that the messages you send are tailored to these objectives. To do this , create guides or scripts that will help you in this task.
For example, for the first few contact messages talk about your connection, then talk a little about yourself and finally tell him what you are going to share with him:
Hi X,
I see you are in charge of advertising at Company Z, I hope you are well.
I am in charge of helping me get more business to get mor canada mobile phone number list e clients by designing advertising. I recently finished a project at a similar organization where you work.
I would like to receive a guide that helped me improve my advertising campaigns. Can you give me your email and I will send it to you? Regards!
You can use that same style of speech over and over again for different prospects, however, each persona and stage of the buyer must be taken into account - this is not a magic formula, but rather a guide to writing messages.
6. Ask for recommendations and involve your peers
Make it your colleagues share the content you publish on LinkedIn and write about the work you do. This way, your profile will generate greater trust and authority among your audience.
Recommendations are also a clear opportunity to get clients. For example, if you were talking to a prospect but then you find out that they have another need, recommend them to your colleagues. It is very likely that they will do the same and thus you will get new clients.
Apply these 6 steps to position your LinkedIn profile through content marketing and get more prospects that will allow you to boost your business. What are you waiting for to implement these Inbound Marketing techniques and turn LinkedIn into a source of clients?
4. Check notifications to congratulate your prospects
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