The positive thing is that

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The positive thing is that

Post by asimj1 »

According to the 2008 Information Society study, conducted by the Telefónica Foundation, practically all of them have computers, 90% are connected to the Internet, and 60% have a website.

The vice president of the Foundation said that "if we bc data vietnam want to get out of the crisis it has to be through these technologies. we are already aware that we have to do it." That is why a lot of investment has been made in R&D and technological equipment, but Nadal explains that "not everything is investment." "Often the investment that is made takes time to bear fruit because the culture of assimilating technology is not capable of taking advantage of that investment. There is a lot of technological capital, but we still need to be able to use that technology," he said.

For Nadal, "new technologies have great opportunities with this crisis, and we must all take advantage of them. And we know how to do it." Spain is among the leaders in some technological trends. For example, in the use of blogs and microblogs (third in the world in both cases) and in social networks (fourth in Europe).
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