Email marketing is great, but it’s hard to develop and optimize a successful email marketing strategy if you don’t have a good list. We’ve covered several email acquisition tactics elsewhere. But this article will zero in on three email list building tools to help you grow your audience.
Popup Forms
Research shows that popups are an effective (if annoying) way to get people’s attention. That’s probably why most email marketing platforms include popup functionality. In fact, many platforms have this feature in their free plans.
Don’t Be Too Annoying
Popups can be triggered right away, when a visitor scrolls down the page, when they demonstrate exit intent, and when a visitor clicks a link or a button. But, as we mentioned, they can be annoying.
Create a Positive User Experience
You can avoid creating a negative user experience by sticking with less disruptive forms of popups, like popup banners. This type of popup attracts attention without getting in the way of what the visitor is doing (e.g., reading a post on your blog).
If you use a more aggressive popup type, make it easy for visitors to exit the popup. At a minimum, make it clear where they have to click to close it. Some popups can be closed by clicking anywhere on the screen.
Make a Compelling Offer
The best way to ensure that visitors aren’t annoyed by your popup is to use it to give them australia whatsapp data something they want. Offer free shipping, a discount, or a resource that your visitors will find valuable.
Live Chat and Chatbots
Live chat and chatbots are also good ways to build your email list. These email list-building tools get visitors’ attention by displaying a notification alert or an intro message in one corner of your website. If the visitor has a question, they can interact with a person (live chat) or AI (chatbot) to get the answer.
These tools build your email list by asking for an email address before connecting the visitor with a representative or a bot. You can also offer a lead magnet through a chatbot as a less invasive alternative to pop-up forms.
Website Visitor Identification
The first two email list building tools in this list rely on your visitors to enter their email addresses. Website visitor identification avoids that step by using third-party data to identify a visitor’s email address.
Then it sends the email address to your CRM, and you can also immediately trigger an email retargeting campaign. Since these people have been to your website, they’re more likely to remember your brand and be in-market for your product or service. That means they’ll be more receptive to cold email outreach.[1]
And don’t worry. As long as you follow the rules (check out our CAN-SPAM compliance checklist[2] for a refresher), this email list building tool complies with US anti-spam laws.
If you want to try it out, go get a free trial to see what you think.
Grow Your Audience Faster With Email List Building Tools
If your email list isn’t growing as fast as you’d like, these email list building tools will speed things up. For more tips on growing your email list, check out our guides on email acquisition, website visitor identification, and landing page optimization tools.
3 Awesome Email List Building Tools
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