Measurements and other technical specifications

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Measurements and other technical specifications

Post by Dimaeiya333 »

The technical specifications for Instagram carousels are as follows:

For the images:
Maximum image size: 30MB
Square: 1080 x 1080 px
Landscape: 1080 x 608 px
Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px
Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (square), 1.91:1 (landscape), 4:5 (portrait)
For videos:
Ideal formats: MP4, MOV
Duration: 3 – 60 seconds
Aspect Ratio: 1:1 (square), 1.91:1 (landscape), 4:5 (portrait)
Maximum size: 4GB
We recommend you read: Love it or hate it, video is driving higher engagement rates on Instagram

Tools for designing Instagram carousels
In order for people to design Instagram carousels, there are various platforms with visual elements and templates that make this task easier. In this section we share with you some of the most used tools:

Canva, with hundreds of creative ideas
Canva is a popular online design tool that allows you to create a variety of visual content, including Instagram carousels. Canva offers users hundreds of ideas with templates and visual elements to design beautiful, custom carousels .

The great advantage of using this app to create Instagram carousels is how easy and intuitive it is, even when you have no experience in graphic design.

Illustrator, for your continuous carousels
Illustrator is a vector graphics creation software that allows you to make custom designs for Instagram carousels. If you are interested in using Illustrator for your carousels, just do the following:

Open Adobe Illustrator on your computer.
Create a new document with the dimensions: 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels high, which is the recommended size for Instagram carousel images.
Design each slide in the carousel in Illustrator. You can use different graphic elements such as images, lines and text.
Save each slide as a separate file in PNG or JPEG format.
Open the Instagram mobile app on your device and create a new post.
Select the “Carousel” option and add each of the slides you created in Illustrator.
Adjust the order and orientation of each slide as desired, and add relevant descriptions and labels.
Publish your carousel and you're done!
How to make an Instagram image carousel in Photoshop?
To create carousel posts on Instagram with Photoshop, follow the steps below.

Create a new project: To do this, open Photoshop and create a new file with dimensi audit directors auditors email database ons 1080px by 1080px. Make sure the resolution is set to 72 dpi.
Design your slides: Each slide in the carousel will have a layer in your Photoshop file. In Photoshop, you can create layers by selecting the “Layer” option in the top menu and choosing “New Layer .” You can then add images, text, and other elements to each layer.
Check the order: Remember that the order your layers are in in Photoshop will be the same order they will appear in your Instagram app.
Export your files: To save each image or video individually, select the corresponding layer and go to File > Export > Save for Web. Note that you must save the image as a high-quality JPEG or PNG file and repeat this process for each layer.
Go to your Instagram account: Open Instagram and tap to create a new post.
Upload your content: Select the images or videos you just created and upload them in the order you want them to appear in the carousel.
Add a title and any filters or effects you want, and publish the carousel.
For videos , the process is similar. You'll need to create or edit your videos in another program before importing them into Photoshop, but once they're in Photoshop, you can organize them into layers and then export them just like you would images.
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