Scientific American recently conducted a study on the characteristics that make your content go viral. After analyzing around 7,000 articles, they found that the most viral content shares a number of qualities:
First, content that makes people feel emotions tends to be more widely shared.
Second, content that makes people feel good tends to be more widely shared than content that makes them feel depressed.
And to get the sale
Psychology Today claims that when evaluating brands, consumers tend cyprus whatsapp number database to use emotions over logic. Their advertising research revealed that a consumer's emotional response to a written ad is twice as influential in their decision to purchase as the ad's content.
Furthermore, their studies showed that positive emotions influence consumer behavior more than rational judgments. Use this information to shape your writing strategy!
How to generate positive emotions with your writing strategy
Among the positive emotions we can mention:
I respect
You can make your content more positive:
Spreading positive words and phrases: such as “awesome,” “wonderful,” “extraordinary,” “sensational,” or “inspiring.”
Focusing on solving difficult problems: Cite your testimonials and case studies.
Writing in a conversational tone: Do this by using short words, short sentences and short paragraphs and no jargon, please.
Flattering your visitors: like AroundMe did “Because you’re going places.”
Using humor: Like Dollar Shave Club’s viral video “Our Blades are F****ing Great” (with over 22 million views and counting!)