Trend identification can be achieved in the following ways:

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Trend identification can be achieved in the following ways:

Post by Maksudasm »

Benchmarking. Within the framework of the method, the information received is analyzed taking into account the actions of partners and competitors.

Regression analysis. This method will allow you to understand how several variables are related to each other. It is also possible to determine the degree of importance of the identified pattern and its impact on other research results.

Variance study. Here, differences between independent groups are tested. At least 3 such teams are taken into work. The analysis makes it possible to determine their statistical significance. The greater the differences in relation to the mean, the higher the randomness of the information obtained.

Cluster analysis. This method involves specialists combining similar data into groups.

Factor method. A large fusion database number of variables are reduced to a smaller number of main ones, which makes it possible to simplify work with information.

Joint analysis. It is designed to achieve an understanding of the criteria by which the consumer makes a choice. Also, during this event, it is possible to predict the behavior of the audience.

Cross-sectional study. Experts analyze different and mutually exclusive variables. For example: men/women, younger/older than 25 years.

Sentiment analysis. Emotions and words that characterize the consumer's mood are studied.

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Step 6: Summarize and draw a conclusion

The final step in marketing research is reporting, which should show the following:

Information about the situation that was relevant for the company before the start of work. The report also includes a list of reasons that indicated the need for conducting the study.

What sample did the specialist accept for work?

What methods were used to collect the information?

What methods were used to analyze the data?


The last item on the list is not only a description of the current situation. The conclusions should include recommendations for achieving the greatest effectiveness of the company's marketing strategy.

Marketing research is a real support for business. Often, without it, it is impossible to understand in which direction the company needs to move forward. Of course, the recommendations of specialists cannot give a 100% guarantee that the business decisions taken will be correct. But they will allow you to see the current situation objectively and avoid the HiPPO Effect, that is, making decisions based on intuition.

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