This is one of the most effective methods of assessing personnel performance. No one is better able than the employee himself to assess personal and professional qualities, as well as to understand his goals and aspirations. Thus, it is important that specialists can independently assess themselves and correlate personal priorities with the tasks of the enterprise.
This three-pronged approach to personnel assessment allows us to understand what contribution each employee makes to achieving the overall result and the implementation of the set goals.
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Objectives of personnel assessment
Each organization decides for overseas chinese in uk data itself why it conducts employee assessment. Needs and situations may differ, so it is important to clearly define the goals. This will help to understand which personnel assessment methods will be appropriate in a particular case, which, in turn, will lead to resource savings and the achievement of the desired results.
Objectives of personnel assessment
Various tools help solve a wide range of problems, from recruiting employees to creating a job reserve. A thorough analysis of the competencies of employees and job candidates allows you to set goals for their professional growth, make decisions on appointments, and resolve other personnel issues. The most common reasons for conducting an assessment are:
administrative - when justification is required for a promotion, salary increase, training, or termination of an employment contract;
motivational - associated with identifying key competencies, the potential of a specialist and his desire for professional growth;
process-based - aimed at obtaining opinions from different sides, improving communication between the manager and the employee, and identifying possible conflicts.
Correctly setting goals during evaluation allows the company to effectively save resources.
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