Step 5: Show data and calculations

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Step 5: Show data and calculations

Post by Maksudasm »

Give employees the ability to monitor how the KPI system is working. Provide access to information through an application or server.

The data can be visualized using a spreadsheet. Here's what call center key metrics might look like:

Weight – a characteristic of the importance of the work area on a scale from 0 to 1 (or in %). The total value of the weights should be 1.

Base is the minimum truemoney database acceptable indicator at which the result is visible.

Norm is the average acceptable metric.

A goal is an indicator that is expected to be achieved.

Fact is a real indicator.

KPI index is the percentage ratio of the fact and the goal.

The performance coefficient (average value) provides an assessment of the quality of the call center’s work – for individual indicators and as a whole.

Step 6: Monitor KPI Achievement
Once the metrics are implemented, you need to constantly monitor the team's performance to ensure fair pay. This requires accurate calculation of indicators such as the number of calls or the volume of output. So pay attention to the automation of accounting processes. This is where the appropriate software tools come in handy.

CRM systems are of great importance, providing control over interaction with the client. The release of products is carried out with the help of project management systems. The company can independently develop a solution suitable for it, if resources allow.

Thanks to modern technologies, a manager can easily monitor the actions of subordinates and create reports. A successful application should implement:

control over the work of each employee;

combining unorganized data into a common database;

payroll calculation.

If set up correctly, each employee can see their own indicators and understand how they relate to their earnings. As a result, the number of complaints will decrease, while the manager can breathe a sigh of relief and no longer be afraid of unexpected difficulties.

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Step 7: Analyze performance and refine the system
The implemented system will not work properly all the time. It needs to be examined and adjusted periodically. Assess how much easier it has become to achieve goals in the new conditions. If there is a network of branches, it is permissible to conduct an analysis in one of them and make adjustments based on its results. The check can take up to three months.

Along with calculating the final indicators, the KPI system helps to identify bottlenecks. The manager needs to ensure their timely elimination. Compare current values ​​with data from previous reporting periods. Identify the reasons for failures and then revise your plans. Based on the analysis, draw a conclusion whether the company was able to achieve the target values ​​of the indicators.

If an employee is ineffective, don't get rid of him right away. You should probably talk to him, send him to courses, find another way out. Be closer to your subordinates so that they focus on actions that are beneficial to the company. Try to provide each employee with conditions for self-realization. Gradually, you will be able to identify valuable employees and those with whom you are not on the same path.

KPI values ​​should be updated periodically, for example, monthly when calculating salaries. Some indicators may lose their importance, while others may not correspond to reality. A competent specialist, for example, an HR representative, should be appointed to review the values.

If you don’t track the indicators and make adjustments, the KPI system will do nothing – you will only lose funds and overload your employees. Study the metrics with the responsible persons, propose ideas for improving processes and test them in practice.
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