The main task of a brand ambassador is to build trust and long-term relationships with the target audience. Their task is not only to promote goods and services, but also to create associations that help the brand stand out from the competition. The ambassador helps the brand build an emotional connection with consumers, and their opinion or actions can significantly influence purchasing decisions.
Nike and Colin Kaepernick : Colin Kaepernick became a Nike brand ambassador for the "Just Do It" campaign, emphasizing social responsibility and personal determination. The move brought attention to the brand and generated a lot of controversy, but ultimately brought Nike huge profits and loyalty among younger audiences.
Red Bull and extreme sports : Red Bull actively uses professional athletes such as Philipp hong kong phone number list Schrader as ambassadors, which helps the brand associate with adrenaline, active lifestyle and achievements in sports.
Key principles
Authenticity : A brand ambassador must be genuine in their attitude towards the brand. The public appreciates honesty and is willing to support ambassadors who truly believe in the product.
Long-term cooperation : Unlike advertising campaigns, which can be short-term, ambassador activities involve long-term cooperation, which helps to strengthen the brand image and increase the trust of the audience.
Personal involvement : An ambassador doesn't just advertise a brand, he integrates it into his life, making the product part of his daily activities.
Historical context
Evolution of the term
Examples of use in business:
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