Learn English Grammar Structures

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Learn English Grammar Structures

Post by bitheerani319 »

There are some patterns in English grammatical structures that are different from those in Spanish. This can help you to master the use of these structures in isolation and then use them correctly in practice and with more fluency. We will tell you some tricks in the structures that you can practice and thus improve your English.

English Grammar Structures: Don't Miss a Single One!
Take note of the following formulas and guidelines if you want to israel phone number list a good level of English, as these are very commonly used and considered basic. Mastering them is a must. Don't miss a single one!

Adjective + noun
Adjectives always come before nouns. You must mechanize this if you want to express yourself properly. This is a basic structure of the English language, so there is no excuse for not applying this structure.

Free eBook: List of most used verbs in English


Beautiful day.
Crazy day.
Dirty room.
Article 'a' when we talk about units
If we are talking about a unit of something, we must not forget to use the article 'a/an'. It is one of the basic grammatical structures in English that is not applied in Spanish, but is basic in English.
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