The recruitment process for a junior front-end developer

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The recruitment process for a junior front-end developer

Post by mostakimvip06 »

Recruitment is often a stressful experience, especially when looking for your first job. In this article, we will take a look at recruiting for a front-end developer position. You will find some advice on how to stand out from other candidates and what to look for when preparing for an interview. You will also learn what to expect from a recruiter and what is repeated in recruitment processes. Of course, I will focus on IT recruitment, and more specifically for the position of junior front-end developer.

What does recruitment in IT look like?
Technical interview for a front-end developer position - how to prepare?
Tasks to solve
Github Repository and Recruitment
Language skills are key in IT
What does recruitment in IT look like?
You need to know that recruitment very often consists of repeatable stages. When a company is interested in your CV, often the first person to contact you will be a HR person. This will be an introductory interview , you will have to say something about yourself, why you are looking for a job, whether and what commercial experience you have, what your financial expectations are and what type of contract suits you best. At this stage, there is also a question about your availability, i.e. how quickly you can start working. The recruiter will tell you about the company and the projects it runs.

The next step is to verify your skills . You will have to complete a task or solve a test on the training platform.

Then you will have a technical interview with the person responsible for technology or programming in the company. This will be a discussion of your solution or simply a conversation about technicalities, in which the person dominican republic telemarketing data will get to know what your level of knowledge is, your line of reasoning. And I would like to stop here, because technical questions are often repeated.

Technical interview for a front-end developer position - how to prepare?
There are many sources on the internet with questions listed that are asked during a technical interview, but the general rule is that they are designed to verify your understanding of the basics of JavaScript, fundamentals in frontend such as semantics in HTML, modern features in CSS or SEO basics. It is good to review specific "JavaScript trivia" such as this binding, explicit and implicit type conversion, what a reference is and what data types are subject to it. Also have fundamental knowledge outside the area of ​​web dev. As a candidate for a programmer, you should have mastered the basics of object-oriented programming and knowledge of databases (such as MySQL often used in web applications). A must-have in everyday work is the GIT version control system, you need to know basic commands and operation.

Tasks to solve
Often during a technical interview you will be given a task to solve, often it will be one of the popular task solving websites, several such places are listed in our previous article about learning web development

Of course, it is easy to say that you should remain calm and composed during the conversation. In practice, as we know, the exact opposite is often the case. Unfortunately, there is no way around it, everyone is different and will behave differently in such situations. Remember that there is also a human being on the other side. People in the IT industry are usually friendly and willing to share knowledge.

You have to remember, however, that the way you deal with stress is also assessed, even during such a conversation. Try to explain your way of thinking, don't be afraid to ask or reach for the documentation. None of us has it all in our heads, and know that working with technical documentation and independence are important skills for a programmer!

It is good to show off your preparation for the interview, familiarize yourself with the company's website in advance (you may notice some errors that will be a great reference point during the interview and an icebreaker), know the technologies used in the company. Even prepare questions to ask during the interview, all this will show your commitment to the recruitment. It is good for your attitude to be active and show interest.

I can say with certainty that it is currently required to know one of the main Javascript frameworks, I wrote about it in my previous post about the beginnings of JS . Without it, unfortunately, but the competition on the job market will overtake you in the run-up.

Github Repository and Recruitment
It's worth having your own repository on GitHub. However, don't focus on applications from courses or trainings, because recruiters often immediately recognize the code of such apps and this may result in your candidacy not being considered. It will be better to have fewer, but more extensive projects that you have cut your teeth on and can talk a lot about them, the problems you encountered with them, about your ideas.

Language skills are key in IT
An integral part of the recruitment process will be checking your English language skills. They say that English is the most important language for programmers, so you shouldn't be surprised or embarrassed by this. Of course, you can prepare yourself in advance, but in this case it's simply better to systematically practice English and develop it. English is a standard, not an additional skill.

With this short post I wanted to show you how the recruitment process generally looks like from the candidate's perspective. You already know how to prepare and what you should know before the interview. If you demonstrate your knowledge and skills during the above stages, you will be invited to the last stage, which is the presentation of the offer. Currently, the competition on the job market is huge and the number of CVs flowing to companies is often three-digit. Do not be discouraged by the lack of response or failures. Try to draw conclusions from each interview and constantly develop yourself, and you will certainly manage to get your dream job.
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