Rights and responsibilities of a product manager

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Rights and responsibilities of a product manager

Post by Maksudasm »

This part of the job description specifies the employee's right to familiarize themselves with decisions made by management and related to their work. The product manager has the right to submit proposals aimed at improving the company's work efficiency, and to create requests for data necessary to perform job responsibilities.

All aspects for which the product manager is directly responsible are presented in the "Responsibility" section. In addition, this part of the document describes the specialist's actions that lead to disciplinary, material, and administrative punishment. Example of wording: "Failure to perform or improper performance of job responsibilities provided for in this instruction" or "violation of legal norms committed in the performance of job responsibilities", etc. This part of the document may contain general references to regulations and a specific procedure for applying penalties.

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Sample Product Manager Job Description

Product Manager Job Description Updates
In the context of a dynamically overseas chinese in worldwide data evolving business environment, technological innovations and changing requirements for specialists, it is critically important to provide for possible adjustments to the job description.

When developing such a document, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

Adjustment of work procedures. The introduction of digital technologies, modifications to corporate strategy or improvement of business processes may require a corresponding update of job descriptions.

Changing requirements and competencies. In a rapidly transforming world, professional standards in certain areas of activity often evolve. Updating the qualification requirements and skills of personnel may entail the need to edit job descriptions.

Expanding or reducing the list of duties. In the course of professional activity, employees may encounter situations that require a review of functional duties. In such cases, job descriptions should be adapted accordingly.

Changes in the company structure. Structural changes in a company, including the creation or liquidation of divisions, can significantly affect the content of job descriptions.

Errors in the Product Manager Job Description
General Description of Duties

In some cases, job descriptions for product managers are described too vaguely, which creates uncertainty in understanding the specifics of tasks and responsibilities.

There are no specific performance indicators

Sometimes job descriptions lack clear KPIs for evaluating the work of a product manager. This makes it difficult to analyze productivity and achieved results.

Lack of complete data on skills and competencies

When compiling job descriptions, the necessary qualifications and skills for effectively performing the duties of a product manager are often not specified in detail. In this case, it is difficult to select candidates for such a vacancy.

Errors in DM of a product manager

Source: shutterstock.com

Bias in time planning and prioritization

Sometimes job descriptions do not take into account the actual workload and volume of work of a product manager, which can lead to inefficient use of time and errors in prioritization.

Relationships with other company structures are not taken into account

Some guidelines ignore the need for the product manager to interact with other departments, which can lead to poor coordination and conflicts within the company.

Download a useful document on the topic:

Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
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