Do not spam in irrelevant threads and do not necropost

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Do not spam in irrelevant threads and do not necropost

Post by aminaas1576 »

It is also worth following the basic rules of placement:

do not place crowd on spammed domains without moderation;
choose the most thematic domains;
if the goal is traffic, we take the most popular forums in the topic and get there with good, pre-prepared content (yes, we write content for posts on the forum, then rewrite for each next one). If there are not enough topic forums or you can’t get there, go to well-known general topic forums with a lot of traffic and get into the general sections.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to get the maximum amount of quality placements and ensure their survival.

The cost of one submission is from 1 to 5 dollars. More and more often I see how webmasters achieve success in niches with non-zero competition with the help of various dofollow submissions. What is important is spain email list that the pages in the TOP are based on dofollow article submission. There are links with both direct anchor and branded, anchorless ones.

Finding sites where you can submit an article is quite easy – type something like “article submission site list 2020” into Google. In the TOP, you will find many sites with content of varying quality. At least half of the TOP will consist of sites of Indian webmasters with huge lists of sites for submission. In most cases, these sites will be spammed or you can no longer leave a link to them. I would pay attention to articles where sites are distributed by types and difficulty of submission, for example, “Top 111 Article Submission Sites” , and not just a canvas of sites without any classification. You can also find sites that offer lists of specific submissions from articles to PDF, for example, - Top 100 Free Article Submission Sites List for 2021 - (look at the “Read Also” block at the end of the article).
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