Online Training: An opportunity for growth for entrepreneurs

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Online Training: An opportunity for growth for entrepreneurs

Post by Bappy11 »

Why is it important to train constantly?
Great business leaders like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Carolina Herrera, JK Rowling, among others, have not stopped learning, growing and innovating despite the undeniable success of their companies, in order to maintain market leadership. That is what entrepreneurship is all about, constantly growing, learning, reinventing and surpassing yourself every day regardless of success or how far you have come. As we said, the business world is an extremely active environment and things that work one way today could work in a totally different way tomorrow. What is a success today may not be a success tomorrow.

Nowadays, there are many online training options. You can find seminars, forums, courses, workshops, webinars and many of these for free. On our website Simon of Cyrene there are courses and programs available that will help you on this constant and fruitful path of learning, will give strength to your entrepreneurial profile and will add a plus to your value proposition.

Every business needs certain knowledge, some of which we learn along the way, others we must seek out, but if there is one thing that is certain, it is that we cannot stop learning, since the only certainty in this world is change, for which we need to be flexible, adapt and not stop growing.

More than two years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, philippine pie telegram which has changed our reality, our way of relating and even our way of working, we know that there are changes that are here to stay. Today, teleworking, virtual learning and online experiences are part of everyday life and even when our life is gradually returning to “normal”, there are new tools and ways of doing things that have brought countless benefits to our lives, both personal and professional, and that have become an essential part of it.


One of the areas with the greatest impact was education. In terms of training, online methodology eliminates barriers of time, place and even lack of resources. Technological advances allow people to have access to quality online education, often free, provided by recognized institutions or organizations. In this way, and regardless of their geographic location, people can receive the training they need.

This reality is also transversal to the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The business world is a very dynamic and changing environment, which requires entrepreneurs to be constantly learning and reinventing themselves. There are many challenges that an entrepreneur faces every day, which is why they need to master soft skills, such as developing emotional intelligence, knowing their strengths and weaknesses, and self-motivation, among others; as well as the technical tools to face these changes.

Daniela Reyes Gajardo
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