Digitization of processes

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Digitization of processes

Post by Maksudasm »

Making plans
To achieve progress in certain knowledge, skills and professional competencies, it is important to create an individual employee development plan. This can be done by a mentee and mentor with the involvement of the company's HR manager. Such a personal plan should fit into the overall corporate goals of the organization. Basically, this is a long-term event, which has intermediate control and correction points.

In order to have deep, not superficial planning, it is first necessary to analyze the current situation. To do this, the mentor must know the mentee well. This is the essence of individual mentoring.

Making plans

Assessment and midterm control
In any training, in addition overseas chinese in canada data to setting tasks, it is important to monitor their assimilation by the student. The mentoring program includes certain cycles: analysis of a topic with a mentor, then - practice, completing tasks. They move on to a new topic only if the previous one has been assimilated. In addition, the system of recognizing the mentee's progress helps determine the effectiveness of the mentoring program as a whole, as well as its individual parts. For example, assessing the solution of specific problems in web development.

The achievement of a particular goal can be understood by the following criteria:

assessment of knowledge and skills;

practical application in professional activities;

how the ward’s behavior has transformed and whether it is consistent with the corporate culture;

impact on team work;

whether the goal has been achieved.

Using IT tools
For the effectiveness of mentoring processes, constant exchange of information between the mentor and the mentee is important. There are many different IT tools now. There are functional platforms for long-term programs. These are Mindflash and Blackboard Collaborate Mobile, which allow you to create courses and control individual and group learning.
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