This is a great way to identify the attitude to work of any manager, including the director of operations. Of course, a conversation about income includes many pitfalls. The applicant's experience, the company's turnover, the number of people on staff, and the area of activity are all important. Some advise starting from the candidate's salary at the previous place of work, increasing the amount by 20-25%. If the applicant comes from the open market, then you can offer the average salary in the company or even a little lower. What is more important is what this payment consists of and how the candidate reacts to it.
Typically, the income of overseas chinese in uk data an operations manager consists of a fixed rate and a bonus for achieving KPI. If the COO places a strong emphasis on the fixed rate, insists on increasing it, but pays almost no attention to the volume of KPI, then there is no need to hire such a specialist. Most likely, he does not want to fight for the promotion of the company, does not believe in the success of his activities and plans to receive mainly only a salary.
It is necessary to stimulate the manifestation of active work and offer good bonuses for fulfilling and exceeding the plan. A good COO specialist will definitely indicate the desired bonus size for KPI or ask about his percentage of the profit.
The COO is one of the key top managers of the company. He acts in conjunction with the CEO, takes on all the important, but often routine work and ensures that all business processes are carried out. He controls the efficiency of the work of structural divisions, coordinates it, and strives to improve the results of the organization's economic activities.
Author of the article
Dmitry Svistunov
Dmitry Svistunov
Head of SEO and Development
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