Generate reports in real time

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Generate reports in real time

Post by Joywtome21 »

Black Friday began in the United States in 1980, taking place the day after Thanksgiving, and became popular in Brazil in 2010. In this article, we will share a quick guide to Black Friday with everything you need to know.

The Americans' objective with this date was to stimulate the market and bring forward Christmas sales, as Black Friday takes place on the last Friday in November.

The idea was so positive that in 2022 alone the Brazilian market russian whatsapp number generated R$6.1 billion reais according to the Locaweb survey .

Therefore, these promotions boost the economy and can be carried out by different segments, you just need to understand the needs and consumption habits of your target audience.

We have already discussed this topic a few times here on the blog and to check it out just click here .

Throughout this article, we share a quick Black Friday guide to help you sell more and get good results.


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How does Black Friday work?
We already talked at the beginning about what this date is and how it came about, so we're going to show you how it works and what the initial steps are.

Many companies began to achieve good results at this time because they developed effective planning, considering which actions users should take to complete the purchase.

These stages need to be easy to execute and in line with consumer behavior and characteristics.

Example: if most customers complete their order on the website, direct new customers there, and include a WhatsApp button so they can ask questions and place an order if the website has problems.

Black Friday is directly related to retail, but you will see that service companies can take advantage of this date and increase sales.
In addition to the information mentioned above, successful planning must have some steps, namely:

A clear and tangible goal of what results you want to generate after Black Friday.

Example: increase lead generation by 60% through content on social media; sell 600 products through the online store in 3 weeks.
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