6 Principles of persuasion to put into practice

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6 Principles of persuasion to put into practice

Post by masud.ibne8800 »

1. Principle of reciprocity
Don't ask me why, but humans feel indebted to others when they do something for us, right?

If you don't think: How do you feel when someone invites you to their birthday party or wedding?

Yes, in debt.

From an anthropological point of view, this makes us human beings more efficient, because the division of labor is possible.

That is, thanks to this principle we are able to generate an interdependent network.

From a marketing and language perspective, of course, we can use this principle.

You've probably already done this without realizing it, italy phone number for example by giving away content in exchange for data.

2. Scarcity principle
You've probably heard these complaints:

Hurry up, it's a limited offer.
We only have these last 3 products left.
Offer ends in 10 hours.

They are relative to the principle of scarcity.

Or, to put it another way, wake up or you'll be left with nothing!

When we have to compete for something, human beings feel a sense of urgency to obtain the prize.

Use language to create this feeling.


Look for example at how they do it at Asos :

Scarcity principle
Booking is also one of the great masters of persuasion.

Booking and persuasion
Booking constantly plays on this principle: "highly requested", "only 1 room left on our website", "today's bargain" (and only today).

3. Principle of authority
This is a Pythagorean lesson.

The Pythagoreans used the principle of the authority of the teacher ( magister dixit ) to support their arguments.

Experience is something tremendously valuable to us.

And speaking from experience is not the same as speaking from ignorance, or it should not be the same, but that is another debate.

The opinion of a professional or expert in a subject is key to successfully selling your proposal.
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