Advantages of PT. Easy transition of leadership. Easy to obtain additional capital. The continuity of the company as a business entity is more guaranteed. More efficient management in processing capital sources. Fill in the following form to get a free demo of the HRIS application. Today. and special permits for certain businesses. The cost of establishing a PT is relatively high. Too open in reporting to shareholders. Usually the large companies that we know of can be categorized as Limited Liability Companies.
Some easy examples that can be mentioned are PT. Djarum PT. Indofood Tbk. PT. Unilever Indonesia Tbk. and PT. Astra International Tbk. Commandery Partnership CV Limited Company is a business entity originating from free email address list philippines the Netherlands with the original title Commanditaire Vennootschap so it is abbreviated as CV. This form of business entity is a partnership founded on mutual trust.
CV is often the form of business entity chosen by entrepreneurs if they want to have business activities with minimal capital. In CV there are several partners who are fully responsible for other partners then there is one who is the provider of capital. Because the responsibility of a limited partner is only limited to the amount of capital provided the types in the CV are divided into namely Active partner namely the member who leadsruns the company and is fully responsible for the companys debts.