LinkedIn is the world’s largest B2B social media channel . It’s an excellent platform for building an engaged audience. It’s also a great place to establish a reputation as a thought leader in your industry and share your company culture with potential new customers.
As a social network, LinkedIn is set apart from all other social channels by its B2B nature. Here are some ways to maximize your LinkedIn presence and effectively utilize that business focus.
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#1: Share blog posts.
Sharing blog posts on LinkedIn increases your reach, builds brand awareness , and sparks engagement. Make sure to:
Introduce the entry with a brief personal comment.
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Make sure your thumbnail looks good.
#2: Share industry news and research.
Since LinkedIn users are looking for content related to their industries, it is a good platform to share case studies, reports, and white papers. By sharing industry updates and news, your company's LinkedIn page can become a reliable source of industry information.
#3: Post “how to” and “list” posts.
Post “How To” and “Lists” posts exclusively on LinkedIn . This bypasses your blog and website, but offers more visibility on B2B social channels. These posts have proven to be popular with LinkedIn users and effectively help attract new and potential followers to read your content.
#4: Post quick tips.
Post quick tips that include leadership tricks and advice. Since this is a professional network, you should think about topics that encourage productivity, leadership, and career success. Offer helpful tips and inspiration to make your posts stand out. LinkedIn is positioned to be a hub for cross-industry thought leadership.
#5: Post company updates.
Since your audience follows you for industry news and updates, take the opportunity to share something about your company. Don't forget to keep a professional tone.
Make your content stand out by offering value to businesses in your industry, using eye-catching images, and engaging with anyone who comments on your posts.
Content should reflect your company’s goals , so keep those in mind when creating and sharing content. Your content should be relevant to your goals and your audience. Remember, you’re looking to help your LinkedIn community. Think leadership, productivity, and support.
Why post on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn's audience is primarily comprised of professionals, decision-makers, and business owners. If these are the people you'd like to follow your posts and articles, then you should publish them on LinkedIn. Here are some more reasons to choose LinkedIn to publish your content.
Expand your audience . Use LinkedIn’s publishing platform to gain greater exposure, engagement, and new connections.
Strengthen your authority by using LinkedIn's feature that displays your latest post on your profile. As people begin to engage by commenting or sharing your article, you'll build social proof that will further increase your reach and authority. Over time, you can become the authority in your field. Assuming, of course, that your content is always high quality.
LinkedIn posts are indexed by Google and appear in organic search results .
You'll grow your network because LinkedIn encourages you to share your articles as status updates with hashtags that let readers know about your content. Anyone who follows hashtags related to topics they're interested in will see your content, and get to know you regardless of any pre-existing direct connections.
You can use LinkedIn analytics to find the most common industries and job titles that follow your blog and publishing platform demographics to help define your target audience.
Engagement will increase as you consistently deliver useful, professional, high-quality content.
LinkedIn allows you to reach a unique audience, and a 2018 survey found that 60% of LinkedIn users have a household income of over $100,000. Other statistics show that LinkedIn marketing is 277% more effective than Twitter or Facebook for B2B lead generation.
Use your top-performing LinkedIn posts to find your best content ideas.
Since your LinkedIn network is built with relevant connections and potential clients, these high-performing pieces will be a reliable indicator of what resonates with your target audience. Use this information to plan future articles that will interest and value your network and potential clients.
Posting on LinkedIn helps you get seen, gain authority in your topic, and maintain natural conversations with your potential customers. All of this supports your lead generation efforts . Here are some tips and best practices to remember when posting your content on this platform