Finally, your content must be useful, offer a solution . Possibly argue it with examples from your experience. If you want to know more, discover the perfect checklist to optimize quality SEO oriented content . How to structure a website by placing the customer at the center of your content How to structure the contents of a website Alex Valencia wrote an interesting article (in English) that contains 6 tips on how to structure the content of a website to attract the attention of your audience and increase conversions. “Write for users, optimize for Google” is his philosophy. The first tip is to analyze your customer's search intent .
It's no longer like once upon a time when, to position list of phone numbers in philippines an article on Google, it was enough to repeat the chosen keyword a certain number of times. The minimum frequency of occurrences (in the title, in the text, in the Alt of the images) is still essential, but it alone is not enough. You know how, when you search on Google, a drop-down menu appears with suggestions of what you could search for? Have you also noticed that, at the bottom of the results page, you often find some related searches? Your goal is to go beyond the keyword and answer this question: “What different information or answers could be linked to my keyword?” Each of us, even when typing the same words into Google, has different questions in mind.
Alex’s second piece of advice is to learn about your target audience . needs? You can also conduct market research using Google Forms to create surveys . They are free and easy to customize. Finally, also consider the importance of your audience's behavior when they are on your site: View statistics on Google Analytics Insert a band containing “ similar articles ” to suggest the user to learn more about the topic Place a highly visible internal search engine on the site Create a network of internal links between your articles to facilitate navigation Freelance Copywriter and Writer Sites to Request Article and Blog Post Writing copywriter sites Before giving you the list of sites I know where you can ask a freelance copywriter to create content for your website, I would like to make a couple of clarifications: Quality has its price .
Do you think you know your customers’
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