Following up on the above, how are SEO link exchange agreements between different websites and blogs affected? Will ther

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Following up on the above, how are SEO link exchange agreements between different websites and blogs affected? Will ther

Post by Md5656se »

Link exchanges, especially if done systematically or on a larger scale, are not liked by Google, and it is recommended to mark them as nofollow, since they are the result of an agreement, even if it is not strictly monetary.

When the links resulting from these agreements are not marked as nofollow, there may be penalties, of course, but in the same way as there were before.

In this sense, the new attributes and the new Google rules regarding how to treat nofollow do not change anything.

You simply need to continue to follow Google's guidelines on link schemes as before if you want to be free of penalties for this issue.

What do you recommend when it comes to marking affiliate links with the latest news?
This is a topic I touched on in the first episode of Reportin, my podcast about SEO.

In short, Google has never forced affiliate links to be marked as nofollow, as it is generally able to identify most of these links on its own.

Yes, he has said in the past that when in doubt, you can choose to mark them with a nofollow.

We now also have the option of marking links as sponsored if they are the result of an agreement, and in the affiliation this agreement exists (since the linked brand will pay us a commission if we get a sale through that link).

Therefore, from now on, if we want to be completely sure, we can choose to mark affiliate links as either sponsored or nofollow.


Specifically, how do you think sponsored links impact influencer marketing?
Although I am not an expert in influencer marketing , I believe that it is an area of ​​marketing that has been done in a non-transparent manner until now.

If an action is advertising, it is correct to communicate or label it as such.

This has always been done in the press and media, and I think it is correct that it is done on the Internet, because otherwise, in the long run, advertisers may lose credibility and worsen their image (which is the opposite of what is sought with advertising and PR).

Therefore, I think that labeling links to paid actions with influencers as rel=sponsored is a positive practice and will make these actions a little more transparent and responsible.

Battery of final conclusions
My main conclusion is that we should not do aggressive and careless link building, but rather try to build a natural link profile that goes hand in hand with content worthy of those links.

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Excessive manipulation of rankings through links is something that Google is aware of, and it has the necessary weapons and incentives to identify and penalize these practices.

Its latest incentive has been the introduction of the ugc and sponsored attributes, and the possibility that both these links, as well as the nofollow ones, can be taken into account for ranking purposes, if Google considers it necessary.

It is a way to ensure greater visibility and control over links when using them as a signal to rank web pages.

Now that you know all these new types of SEO links, is there any question you want to ask Juan about the topic? We open the thread for discussion in the comments.


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Alicia Rodriguez Ruiz
Alicia is a content marketing and digital content editing specialist. Founder of SoMeChatES. Teacher and speaker
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