What is retention rate in business?

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What is retention rate in business?

Post by robiulhasan »

Retention rate represents the percentage of retained customers a company has gained during a certain time period.

What is a good customer retention rate?
According to Client Heartbeat, what is considered a good rate depends on the industry. However, most companies set a target to 90% and higher.

Why Should You Measure Cart Abandonment?
June 15, 2017 | Barilliance
Why is cart abandonment unfavorable?
Shopping cart abandonment describes the phenomenon where customers add items to their shopping carts but then leave the site without making a purchase. It is a widespread issue in e-commerce, wit cell phone lists for sale h an average rate of 68.63% in 2016 (see chart below).

Online shopping cart abandonment rate worldwide from 2006 to 2017, Statista.

E-tailers use large amounts of resources to motivate the shopper to browse the site and entice the shopper to add items to the cart. The moment the shopper leaves the site, the e-tailer must repeat this process and spend those resources again.

Furthermore, those abandoned items are potential sales and revenue that the e-tailer has lost. Ultimately, CPC Strategy found that cart abandonment contributes to approximately $18 billion lost revenue per year.
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