Are we going to make our companies grow?

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Are we going to make our companies grow?

Post by bitheerani319 »

We were at a Digital Marketing event this Tuesday, in Porto Alegre, with the main digital marketing agencies in RS, talking about the challenges of growth in the segment and how to bring more results to our clients.

The purpose of the event was to encourage intelligent discussions, with a focus on overcoming shared challenges, as we saw that most companies suffer from the same pains and challenges, which is maintaining an exaggerated focus on production and not on sales.

I believe that this is a cultural problem in Brazilian companies, where businesspeople are working directly on production processes, leaving aside strategic and mainly commercial processes.

We must think more about the commercial sector, as it is through this buy phone numbers in bulk companies grow. The organization of processes, people and finances will be a consequence.

And many companies that have sales teams are not aligned. They do not have the right incentives to sell more, nor the resources and strategies to do so.

Marketing is the ball in the box, sales is the ball in the goal!

We need results-driven sales teams and business owners thinking about strategies and business planning.

In the main lecture, given by consultant and businessman Léo Yamada, he presented us with the basis and pillars of the success of his companies:

Base → Focus on Sales
Financial Management.
Our role as an agency is to get the ball rolling, yours as an entrepreneur is to get your sales team to score the goal. So, be close to your marketing team so that together you can define how the ball needs to arrive.

Then, it's time to tune up your sales team to throw themselves headfirst into these balls and score as many goals as possible!

Based on this knowledge, we realized that we, as an agency, need and want to be closer to our clients, so we decided to immediately resume marketing consultancies to be able to help our clients even more, to create clearer digital strategies and, with the help of our consultancy, to execute them as well.

If you are already a Six customer, how about we schedule a coffee?

If you're not yet, don't worry, there's still plenty of coffee around here and we're dying to get your sales team on target too!
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