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Death to television, long live online

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2024 5:12 am
by rosebaby37123
The definitive differentiation between content marketing and advertising
Spending on content marketing has been on the rise in recent years, and this trend looks set to continue in 2018.
According to the Content Marketing Institute, mastering content marketing is the number one goal for marketing teams in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the budget allocated to content marketing in 2018 is increasing both in the United States and globally.

But many still make the mistake of not clearly differentiating content marketing from advertising. The result is overly promotional content and aggressive promotional techniques that end up being detrimental in the long run. In addition, most of this budget is spent on “projects” with a limited scope in time, when content marketing should be an ongoing effort.

For 2018, I would therefore like to bet that this increase in investment will go hand in hand with a clearer differentiation between content marketing and advertising. As our sector reaches maturity, I believe that college and universities email list advertisers will become increasingly aware of this need.

For many years, television was the undisputed queen of advertising. Until a few years ago, this was the main form of leisure for Spaniards. In addition, the range of channels was limited, which made the consumption of television commercials almost inevitable (no matter how much we tried to avoid it by channel surfing). Therefore, the prime-time television spot was the gold standard for advertisers.
Now, however, we are faced with a much more complex and fragmented reality. We can choose what to watch and when to watch it, with an offer that includes content produced all over the world. Platforms such as Netflix, HBO and Amazon Prime are the ones that set the trends in content marketing and advertising.


The classic television spot has lost its value to be replaced by an endless number of formats and platforms, which makes the life of marketing teams much more complicated but also gives us more opportunities than ever to reach our ideal audience at the key moment.

5) Virtual reality is already here “
Virtual reality” is no longer a term from science fiction novels, but rather a very real content marketing trend.
User experience is one of the key factors that can determine the success or failure of a brand. And virtual reality is positioning itself as one of the technologies that can most influence this experience.
Thanks to virtual reality, it is possible to show the characteristics of products and services in a much more realistic way, even through the online medium. The consumer can relate more intimately with the product even if it is not physically present. This makes it possible to awaken emotions associated with the brand and create a much deeper interest.
In 2018, brands that begin to adopt virtual reality strategies as one of the content marketing trends will have many points to stand out from the competition and become leaders in their sector. And as we said at the beginning of this article, the future of content marketing is already here.