Belonging: social acceptance or rejection

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Belonging: social acceptance or rejection

Post by robiulhasan »

The ability refers to the customers’ capability of doing the target behavior. Increasing the customers’ ability can be done in two ways. One is by training people, which in our case is teaching customers how to make purchases in our specific site. This is a long process that most customers are not interested in taking a part of. The second manner is by using ‘Simplicity’; making the target behavior simpler to do. According to Fogg, “Simplicity is a perception we have of the experience in accomplishing the task”, therefore it is not inherent in the product, rather in scarce resources used by customers when making the purchase. These scarce resources are the following six elements of Simplicity:

– Time
– Money
– Physical effort
– Brain cycles (brain effort, thinking)
– Social deviance (going again cell phone number leads st the norm)
– Non-routine (breaking a routine)

These elements can be measured and controlled. As there is less of each of the above elements, the task becomes simpler. A task is deemed simple until the individual does not possess a needed resource, or sufficient amount of it. The level of which these elements are perceived as simple is dependent on the individual and the context they are in. For example, a process that takes 10 minutes may be perceived too long for a busy person but an okay amount for a person with a lot of time on their hands.

The Trigger refers to the “push” that makes customers complete the behavior. This can be external (triggered by the site) or internal (triggered by a certain need of the customer). Other names include: cue, prompt, call to action, request or offer. Trigger types include:

– Facilitator (high M, low A) – shows you what to do
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