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2.- Do not put links in the images

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:30 am
by Irfanabdulla1111
You already know the importance of driving traffic to your website.

Always link all images to a website, whether your own or an external one.

If you post very attractive images but they end up staying on the same platform, you will not get results.

3.- Use Pinterest as if it were Instagram
Although both platforms have in common that they are very visual, their operation, as you have seen in this guide, has nothing to do with each other.

In the one we are analyzing in this article, users search for content that is most often evergreen.

4.- Do not use a company account for business
If you have a business, it is essential that your account is a business account, not a personal one.

With it you can not only sell your products, but also create promotions and, of course, have access to your account statistics and the creation of promoted pins.

5.- Create boards that have nothing to do with your niche
Your boards should fit your niche, to a greater or lesser extent they have to have some kind of relationship.

If your business is in decoration, it doesn't make much sense to create a pet board.

This is what secret boards are for, which you can have for your private collections (secret boards).

6.- Not checking your account analytics
As with any other marketing action, if you don't measure, you can't improve.

You always need to know which pins work best, understand the behavior of your followers, and be able to adjust your strategy based on the results you get.

7.- Do not use keywords
As we have said before, this platform works like a search engine.

If you're not using keywords in your pin titles and descriptions, you're missing out on a huge email database lists canada opportunity the platform offers to get your posts seen.

I hope this guide helps you to use the full potential of Pintest for your company.

This is a network that, although it started out primarily for women, is growing a lot and more and more companies are aware of it and are taking advantage of it.

Users browse the feed for inspiration, search for topics that interest them, and then click on pins to learn more.

You too can take advantage of this platform to publish valuable content and show users the information they need.

Start by analyzing your competitors' and clients' accounts to see what information they like best and create your strategy on the platform to get the most out of it.