Parting thoughts
Bias in machine translation is a problem that isn’t going away soon. But we believe that it’s possible, even necessary, to look at it from a different perspective. Instead of a problem of technology, the problem of machine translation bias should be seen as an opportunity to empower humans working with machine translation. The human capacity for empathy, justice, and goodwill is something that should come front and center to compensate for what the technology lacks.
Machine translation bias should be a wake-up call for the industry to think not only of the risks that come with machine translation, but also the ways that we interact and build solutions around it with human-machine collaboration in mind.
Towards better MT: Highlights from the NeTTT conference 2022 (Day 3)
Towards better MT: Highlights from the NeTTT conference 2022 (Day 3)
This is the third and final installment in a series covering south africa mobile database our attendance at the first New Trends in Translation and Technology conference held at Rhodes, Greece.
MT is not the future, but the now: Highlights from the NeTTT conference 2022 (Day 1)
Context is key in MT: Highlights from the NeTTT conference 2022 (Day 2)
Again, the conference brought together both academics and industry players with interest in translation studies, linguistics, machine translation, and other relevant domains, to share the most recent and cutting edge research and insights in the field with one another.
For machine translation, the third day’s panels brought more focus on the topic of MT evaluation, and on inclusiveness in MT development. Here are some of the highlights from our attendance.