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If you have a mailing list that you haven

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:14 am
by Irfanabdulla1111
According to data from Getresponse, the average email opening rate in Spain is 35.93%.

By sector, the restaurant sector is the one with the best opening rates with 41.37%, while the sector with the lowest rates is online sales with 15.82%.

Even knowing the average opening percentage in email marketing, keep in mind that no two email lists are the same , even if they are in the same industry.

Focus on analyzing and monitoring your own opening rates for your email marketing campaigns to find out which strategies work best for you and which ones work worst.

The more data you collect from your email campaigns, the more you can improve your future campaigns.

How to increase the opening and click rates of your email marketing campaigns?
1.- Keep your mailing list updated
Over time your mailing list may become outdated.

Some people may have changed their email account, just as others may no longer be interested in your products/services.

In order to keep your mailing list up to date, it is important to delete inactive subscribers from time to time.

An inactive subscriber is anyone who has not engaged with any email in the last 6 months or more.

But before you remove them from your list, you can make one last attempt by sending an email asking if they really want to remain subscribed to your list.

By sending an email with a subject line like “Am I not interesting anymore?” or “Am I boring you?” you can attract the attention of a subscriber who wants to remain on your list.

You can also keep your list up to date by asking them to update their information and name their sending preferences, i.e. what topics they are interested in, so that you do not send them information that is not relevant to them.

't used for a while , i.e. with "cold leads", you can also send them a survey with their preferences, offering a discount voucher or a gift in exchange to encourage their participation.

2.- Optimize your emails for mobile
According to BllueHornet, 67.2% of people use their smartphone to check their email.

Open rate in email marketing - BlueHornet
To optimize your emails for mobile devices, focus on the name, email preview text, and formatting.

The name
To improve the opening rate in email marketing, make sure that the sender name of email database usa your emails is short.

Sender names longer than 20 characters are cut off on mobile screens.

The preview text
Try several attention-grabbing texts, without repeating the same subject text.

The idea is that it should be a brief explanation of the matter, with some call to action.