During the evolution of COVID-19 in the world, many businesses have found it necessary to transform their customer service channel into a 100% remote one, since in-person service centers have been affected.
We have to admit that this is one of the most sensitive industries and also one of the hardest hit in terms of reputation. That is why we have used Quantico's social listening to analyze the impact of the pandemic on the sector and the challenges posed by this "new normal."
Changes in indicators: How the sector was performing previously and how the KPIs we manage have been affected
Evolution of mentions: We will analyze the change in the base de datos correos mexico of mentions and their quality.
Mention Milestones: Key moments for the industry throughout the period.
Featured Topics: What the community tells us about its needs in this sector.
Conclusions: We will discover the lessons that this transformation leaves us in an industry as traditional as banking.
The evolution of the indicator of mentions about the sector clearly shows the migration of customers to digital platforms, thus experiencing a growth of 306% compared to pre-pandemic scenarios.
Prior to COVID-19, Peru was still in a period of migration to Twitter from other networks, which was one of the ones that registered the lowest volume. However, as a result of current events, Quantico registered in our conversation channel analysis functionality a 400% growth in interactions during the last two months (March – April) .
If we analyze the same period again—between the months of January and April—we see how the peaks of mentions pick up in the second two months. The average daily percentage rises from 2,500 mentions to 10,500, with the most talked about topics being: Announcements of payment facilities, freezing of debts and credits, as well as the continuation of face-to-face operations in the agencies.
Through our Line Chart functionality, we detected two milestones of mentions, on March 23rd and April 17th, the first one regarding the launch of a campaign in which a bank donated S/. 100 million ( 38% of the mentions were positive ) and on the other side of the coin the second milestone of mentions, the leak of the news of the purchase of condominiums in New York in which a member of the board of directors of one of the banks is involved (Quantico’s sentiment algorithm indicated that 61% of the mentions were negative).
With Quantico's semantic analysis, targeting digital channels is easier and this allows us to quantify the information obtained, with the main demand in this item being greater tolerance in credit card payments with 35% of requests.