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Alejandra pointed out the importance of doing things “with meaning”:

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:44 am
by sohanuzzaman56
Although it is useful and beneficial for most companies to be present on social networks, not all companies should "jump on the bandwagon" because to do so, it is necessary to understand the "what", "how", "when" and "why" of the Internet world . In other words, being on the Internet for the sake of being there, and without understanding the bi-directionality (customer-company) of the flow of information , is not very useful.

Jordina points out that – “social networks (…) are increasing employment data more and more, they are part of the world we live in even if we don’t want it to be.”

Pablo has been the winner of the draw, congratulations :-), he concluded the following:

What has become very clear to me is that the Internet is a new way of interacting with the customer, almost as important as the physical world (we could say that it is the same, now there are many companies that only operate on the Internet). You have to treat the customer on the Internet just as well as you would treat them in person , since they will speak well or badly about your product/service with other people, make comments on consumer pages, on their social networks... and it is very important to let them express themselves and not censor anything they say as long as they do not disrespect you.

And this is where we find great potential: these online reviews that the client will give you are something extremely valuable and that you have to take advantage of, they are things that he/she surely wouldn't tell you in person and from which you can draw many conclusions to continually improve your business .

It is a shame that so few companies in Spain have this type of vision (…)