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Make it easy for your sales teams

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:42 am
by Jahangir655
B2B sales executives are typically hungry for content that can help them initiate and maintain conversations. But that content has to be readily available and presented in a format that suits their needs.

Remember that while thought leadership is a conversation starter, it won’t close the sale on its own. A ‘sales enablement toolkit’ that brings together the thought leadership report, introductory emails, bite-sized articles, presentations, call scripts and other assets will help to arm your sales team with the ammunition they need to hold conversations – and will ultimately lead to higher revenues.

Keep the conversation going
The B2B sales cycle can be protracted. It’s unusual for a business development executive to get a call from a prospect and then close a sale in a matter of weeks. Instead, there needs to be a long, ongoing conversation, often over several months, during which trust is established and relationships developed.

Good thought leadership is a powerful hook for starting and list of el-salvador cell phone numbers maintaining that conversation – at every stage of the sales cycle. And it gets results: in our Power of Thought Leadership research from last year, 78% of respondents said that reading intelligent thought leadership makes them more likely to trust that company in future.

Now that thought leadership has become a core part of the marketing toolkit, it is essential to demonstrate how it can deliver ROI. Evidence of meetings and conversations where thought leadership has been the “door opener” is a crucial part of showing that value.