You want your business to have a presence on the social network par excellence where practically everyone connects every day.
Also potential buyers of that wonderful service or product you have to offer the world.
Indeed. I'm talking about Facebook.
Your first instinct (like that of most mortals) is to go for the easy way.
That is, create a personal profile with the name of your business and start sending friend requests left and right with the idea of making yourself known as quickly as possible.
It's clear that being able to have “thousands of friends” for your business all at once is wonderful.
Or… maybe not so much.
In fact, it is a serious mistake to create a personal profile for your business.
A very common mistake, by the way. I see it practically every day in many businesses or companies that use Facebook to promote their services and products.
Table of Contents [ Hide ]
Do you know that fan pages exist?
What is the difference between a fan page and a personal profile?
Reasons to have a Facebook fan page for your business and not a personal profile
1# Facebook Policy
2# Visibility
3# Statistics
4# There is no limit of followers
5# You can use Facebook Ads
6# Positioning
7# You can generate calls to action from Facebook
8# Using applications
I already have a personal profile for my business denmark telegram phone numbers not a fan page… what can I do?
And you... do you already have a fan page and have you seen its advantages for yourself or do you still have a personal profile for your business?
Do you know that fan pages exist?
Yes. I'm sure you have. Or at least I'm convinced that you've seen them before.
These are pages where there is no friend request involved, but instead to receive their posts you must click on a “Like” button.
For example, without going too far, my Facebook page .
Now is when you ask me the million dollar questions.
“Jose… why do you have a Facebook fan page for your business and not a personal profile? What differences does choosing one option or the other make? Isn’t a fan page the same as a personal profile?”
These are precisely the main questions I want to answer in this article.
What is the difference between a fan page and a personal profile?
Basically, the main difference is implied in the name.
A personal profile is precisely that: personal.
In its rules, Facebook clearly states that these types of profiles are for individuals who must provide their personal and real data.
Therefore, it cannot be that a personal profile is called “Zapatería Pepito”. No person can be called “Zapatería Pepito”.
Furthermore, the relationship between a company or a business is not a friendship, but a professional relationship.
People make friends with people, not companies.
It makes sense, doesn't it?
Therefore, it does not make much sense for a company to be able to send a friend request to one person or several people indiscriminately.
In fact, this is not legal for Facebook and can be considered SPAM (with the consequences that this can have).