How Should Pages That Give 404 Error Codes Be Specially Designed?

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How Should Pages That Give 404 Error Codes Be Specially Designed?

Post by [email protected] »

Even if you take every precaution and make every effort to fix all the problems, it is not possible to completely prevent a website from giving a 404 Not Found error despite all your efforts. All the work and processes described above include steps that will work to minimize the number of pages that give this error. You should not expect to have a site that never gives a 404 error code. In this inevitable situation, what kind of a screenshot should you show to your visitors who will encounter even a small number of error codes? There may not be a single correct answer to this question; however, it may be appropriate to clarify the subject by talking a little uganda mobile phone number about general practices.

Commonly Used 404 Error Code Screen Templates
Even if you take all precautions, you need to follow various methods to make your pages that will give a 404 error code visually strong and to prevent your visitors from leaving. In this sense, it is possible to evaluate the options among the existing applications. Some of these page models, which are preferred due to their ease, some due to their visual strength and some due to their functionality, can be summarized as follows:

Pages that only carry a clear error warning and do not contain any elements of corporate identity. These types of error pages, which do not contain anything other than the standard server-based warning text, may mean that the user thinks they have left your site and is immediately directed somewhere else. It can be said that it is a type of error page that is not generally recommended for use.
An error page model that clearly emphasizes the error code and warning in large fonts in the middle of the page, but reflects your website exactly in terms of logo, menu options, color and design details and visual elements. It can be said that it is a good application in that the user thinks that they have not left the site. The visitor can continue to stay on the site by making a selection from the relevant menu page.
It is also possible to make the error code page extra useful and more personal. You can provide direct interaction with the user while clearly highlighting the error page, and you can offer options with interesting offers to keep them on your site. If you manage a sales site, you can put links to your new arrivals or bestsellers page here, or you can easily direct your user to another page that interests them with more fun ideas and even interesting animations.
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