links to be added in already-published
Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:19 am
This is where the PR team can step in. Earned media coverage is their bread and butter, and, with their depth of knowledge, it’s possible to accrue backlinks across all kinds of online publications. While sending content to be published with a link already included is one of the best strategies for SEO teams and content marketers to use, PR teams are often your best bet for link reclamation. Using their media contacts, the PR team can leverage these relationships and ask for
content that mentions your brand. Not every publication allow tunisia number screening s for outside linking, but simply asking never hurts. And with a PR team taking control here, your odds of getting a link increase. Don’t forget about images here too. If your visual content is being used online without attribution, you’re well within your rights to ask for the picture to be removed or, ideally, for a link to be included back to the original source (your website). Use SEO keyword research to inform PR contacts Keyword research isn’t only an essential part of an SEO team’s task list, but it should also be used strategically beyond the confines of your website.
content that mentions your brand. Not every publication allow tunisia number screening s for outside linking, but simply asking never hurts. And with a PR team taking control here, your odds of getting a link increase. Don’t forget about images here too. If your visual content is being used online without attribution, you’re well within your rights to ask for the picture to be removed or, ideally, for a link to be included back to the original source (your website). Use SEO keyword research to inform PR contacts Keyword research isn’t only an essential part of an SEO team’s task list, but it should also be used strategically beyond the confines of your website.